Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)

    EDSI, as the prime consultant, was selected to complete Phases I and II work orders on an as-needed basis. Assignments may include route surveys, geotechnical analyses, hydraulic survey/analysis, geometric studies and reviews, preparing Bridge Condition Reports, Hydraulic Reports, Structure Geotechnical Reports, Type, Size and Location (TS&L) plans, Intersection Design Studies (IDSs), Value Engineering studies, Right-of-Way information, Project Reports and Public Involvement. Work may include data collection, cost estimates, traffic management analysis, crash analysis, development of alternative alignments, preparing environmental and hazardous waste documents, and infrared testing of bridge deck. The various proposed projects may consist of ADA improvement plans, simple roadway patching and resurfacing, bridge repair, bridge rehabilitation, bridge replacement, roadway widening and resurfacing and/or new roadway projects.

    US 61/67/50 LINDBERGH - ST. LOUIS, MO

    Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

    EDSI, as the major subconsultant, is responsible for the survey, right-of-way, and design for over 2 miles of this 7-mile project. Design elements consist of a mill & overlay, new sidewalk and curb ramps, new and upgraded signalized intersections, ITS, drainage improvements, and ADA compliancy throughout the project limits. We performed a field analysis for ADA compliancy, and prepared the preliminary, right-of-way and final design plans, cost estimates and job special provisions associated with EDSI’s portion of the project.

    St. Louis District Safety Design Build –
    St. Charles and Franklin Counties, MO

    Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

    EDSI, serving as a subconsultant, was responsible for delivering safety improvement plans for several state routes located in St. Charles and Franklin Counties. The project provided an innovative approach to optimizing the implementation of safety improvements defined by Crash Modification Factors for the greatest cost benefit ratio. Improvements consisted of High Friction Surface Treatment, guardrail, striping, rumble strips, and signing. EDSI deliverables included plans, calculations, quality control documents, and estimates. EDSI was proud to be part of such an innovative approach to Safety Design.

    This project received an ACEC Missouri 2019 Engineering Excellence Competition Honor Award as well as a Federal Highway Administration and National Roadway Safety Foundation National Best Practice Award.

    2020-2023 On-Call for St. Louis District Roadway Design - St. Louis, MO

    Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

    EDSI, was selected as a prime consultant to provide roadway/highway design services in the St. Louis District on an on-call basis. Projects may include widening, resurfacing, pavement reconstruction, utility coordination, stormwater retention, hydraulics, design and analysis of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and lighting. Slide repair, innovative project delivery and/or value engineering, planning and conceptual studies may also be required.


    St. Louis County Department of Transportation

    EDSI is currently the Prime Consultant on 3 St. Louis County Department of Transportation Projects:
    • Berry Road and Big Bend Intersection Improvements – EDSI is leading this project that will provide a new turn lane, traffic signal improvements, new sidewalk, ADA improvements, and lane modifications. Also included are a Section 106 application, surveys and right-of-way, drainage and MSD coordination, retaining walls, cost estimating, and bid document preparation.
    • Washington Street Improvements – EDSI is leading this project that includes roadway, sidewalks, ADA, geometrics, retaining walls, drainage improvements, signing, striping, traffic signals, survey, right-of-way, utility coordination, public involvement, and permitting.
    • Creve Coer Mill Road Resurfacing and ADA Improvements – EDSI is leading this project that includes roadway, sidewalks, ADA, geometrics, retaining walls, drainage improvements, signing, striping, traffic signals, survey, right-of-way, utility coordination, public involvement, and permitting

    FORSYTH BOULEVARD – University City, MO

    City of University City

    EDSI, as the prime consultant, was responsible for the survey, design, and preparation of bid documents for the federally-funded improvements to Forsyth Boulevard from Big Bend Boulevard to the west City limits, including sidewalk and curb upgrades, road resurfacing, traffic signal upgrades, pavement markings, and bicycle facilities. EDSI is performing construction inspection in 2019.

    Washington Avenue Streetscape – St. Louis, MO

    Grand Center

    EDSI served as a subconsultant for the construction document phase of the Grand Center Great Streets Streetscape project along Washington Avenue between the Sheldon Theater and Grand Avenue, near the Fox Theater. This was the first implementation project of the Great Streets Master Plan. EDSI performed both Civil and Structural engineering services during the design development and construction document portions of the project. Design included grading, sidewalk and street paving improvements, stormwater, traffic control, signing, striping, and specifications, along with coordination with the design of the new Fox Theater parking garage. The original plan incorporated stormwater BMP’s that met MSD’s standards even though the project was in a sewer shed that did not mandate their construction. The original rainscaping elements of the project were submitted and approved by MSD along with a Project Clear Grant that was also approved. These additions to the project could not be constructed with the available budget and were eliminated. EDSI was also engaged in construction phase services. Prior to the Washington Avenue Streetscape project, EDSI had been selected to perform boundary and topographic surveys which serve as the basis for the Great Streets Master Plan.